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How To Clean Dried Latex Paint From Paint Sprayer – Five simple step




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how to clean dried latex paint from paint sprayer

A painting project is never complete until you finish cleaning the equipment. How to clean dried latex paint from a paint sprayer can, however, be quite difficult without the right steps. Note that proper cleaning of your painting equipment will ensure you get quality, reliable, and long-lasting services.

The paint sprayer needs to be adequately cleaned after every painting project. If you have completed a project dealing with latex paint, then you have come to the right place. Below is a step by step guide to help you through the entire process.

Pro Tips

Tip 1: Understanding Latex Paint

First, understand that latex paint has a natural habit of clogging in the gun nozzle. It is a thick and water-based paint that is mostly used for painting homes. Yes, the thick composition allows for a more durable and sustainable finish. However, this also means that it clogs quickly on your sprayer when compared to other types of paint.

Tip 2: Identifying the Sprayer Parts

Before we can start cleaning your latex paint sprayer, you need to understand all the different parts. Note that you will need to detach your sprayer during the cleaning process. It would help if you carried out extensive research on the different parts of a paint sprayer.

Tip 3: Use Caution

Whenever working on any project at home or in the workshop, safety is always a huge consideration. Understands that you will be working with heavy-duty cleaners that can damage your skin or eyes. You will need to use your safety goggles and gloves during the entire cleaning process. It will also help if you avoid distractions when cleaning dried latex paint from your paint sprayer.

Materials Required

Rubber glovesSafety glassesSoft bristle brushesTwo buckets of clean water, preferably 5-gallons eachThroat sealant lubricantScrap bucketGarden hosePliersMineral spirits

Step 1: Remove the Nozzle

Understand that the tip and nozzle need a thorough cleaning to ensure you get a high-quality finish on your next project. Most likely, your tip will be jammed inside the small home with the latex paint. Use your soft-bristle brush to remove as much paint as possible to free your tip.

Use your pliers to remove large pieces of paint. This will give you sufficient room to pull out the tip and nozzle. Be careful during this step because you can easily damage your sprayer. Understand that removing the nozzle and tip will open up the hole for proper cleaning. You will find it easier to drive water through your sprayer.

Step 2: Remove and Clean Your Filter

Start by unscrewing the handles before removing the filter from your spray gun. Note that the filter will need a little bit of time for cleaning. Your filter will be covered with latex paint, which will take a lot of time to clean.

clean Filter

Your filter is the central processing unit, which means that the latex paint will quickly stick on the surface. Clean your filter until the water can comfortably run through it without any kind of interference. Once you are done with the cleaning, place your filter in the sprayer and proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Run Clean Water

Understand that all the essential parts of your sprayer are now properly cleaned. You can proceed to run clean water through your sprayer. Note that paint pieces within your sprayer will get embedded in your nozzle or filter.

run clean water

You will have to repeat steps one and two until you get clear running water from your sprayer. Note that it will probably take some time to clean out all the latex paint. You will, therefore, need to exercise a lot of patience during this stage.

Soon enough, only clear water will be running through your system. Once all the water comes out without any hindrance, you can move on to the next step.

Step 4: Prime Your Sprayer

Priming your paint sprayer will ensure that there is no paint left in your system. fill the bucket with water and spray it into a second bucket to prime your sprayer. Prime your system twice to guarantee that no latex paint is left in your system.

Step 5: Cleaning Your Inlet Strainer

Your siphon tube has a base, referred to as the inlet strainer. Understand that the inlet Stainer will have a bit of latex paint stuck on the grate. You will need to use a soft bristle brush to scrape paint off the inlet strainer. Ensure you rinse the strainer once you finish the cleaning process.Other Valuable Resources

There are other alternative methods that you can use to remove dried latex from your sprayer. Search through Google to discover different techniques that can work for you. However, note that the method discussed in this guide is effective and simple.

Ensure you clean your sprayer immediately after a painting project. Doing this will make the cleaning process simple and straightforward. Make it a habit to clean every piece of equipment after a project.

Mineral spirits and alcohol are excellent solvents when you need to deep clean your sprayer. Dry paint can be rather tough, and you need solvents that can effectively penetrate the material. However, do not use alcohol and minerals frequently because they will wear out the tubing and gaskets.

Properly maintaining your paint sprayer ensures you get a high-quality finish on every project. You will save a lot of time when you perform cleaning immediately after a project. Your sprayer will also get you long-lasting services.


It will help if you properly maintain your sprayer. The first step to proper maintenance is proper cleaning. Never let the paint sit for hours on your sprayer because it will get harder to clean. You will also save up on a lot of time and effort when you perform cleaning right after the project.

Note that safety is always important when working on painting projects. Ensure you invest in safety clothing and equipment, including goggles and gloves. Understand that the heavy-duty solvents can cause several skin problems and eye irritation.

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2 responses to “How To Clean Dried Latex Paint From Paint Sprayer – Five simple step”

  1. […] paint sprayer needs to be cleaned after every use. Your user manual will have detailed instructions on how to clean the paint […]

  2. […] finish the job. Follow the directions included in the user’s manual when cleaning your sprayer. Cleaning your paint sprayer ensures that you get a perfect finish on your next […]

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